Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Traffic Exchange Widgets - Wahoha vs MGID vs 2Leep vs ZapArena...

The Good...

A few years back, there were only a few social networking sites (Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, Delicious etc.) which used to circulate the content across the Internet. But there are a number of limitations to these sites;

Firstly, none of these websites guarantee any minimum amount of traffic to you. Secondly, visitors coming from these sites are mostly the registered members of these sites (although the number of members in these sites is very large but definitely limited). And finally, in almost all these networks only a dozen or so popular websites get maximum benefits (read traffic). Nowadays you can expect significant traffic from these sites only if you have a breaking news or something really bizarre.

The Better...
So the next option to make your content viral is to use "manual" traffic exchange sites/widgets like LinkWithin, BlogExplosion and EntreCard etc. where you have to manually visit other blogs, and in exchange other members of those sites visit your blog.

Again, even this system cannot promise traffic forever;

First of all, you have to visit other blogs, whether you are interested in doing so or not - a complete waste of time and sooner or later you will lose interest in doing that regularly. Secondly, the traffic coming from these sites is mostly non-targeted and they usually leave the website from the landing page itself, raising the blog bounce rate. And of course, this type of traffic exchange is also completely limited to the number of registered members.

The Best...
Recently, you would have noticed many blogs (including BloggerStop.Net) with a new type traffic exchange widget. This is how these widgets work:

These widgets show different content from various blogs/websites on your site (you can place the widget anywhere on the blog - at BloggerStop, it is there right below this post). The links are shown in the form of small windows with some text (titles). See the example below this post (widget from Wahoha).

If you send 100 visitors to other blogs via this widget, then in return, your posts will be shown on other blogs in a similar way and you will receive anywhere between 250-400 visits (150-300%).

Now, if you are ready to add this kind of widget to your blog, then you will find a number of websites (from Wahoha, MGID, 2Leep, ZapArena etc.) offering exactly the same service with similar claims of around 150-300% traffic. But to make your job easier, I have already tried all of them and selected the best one for you.

The two main criteria of selection were:

1. The provision to add our own posts (with appropriate title, description and perfectly cropped image). A "Perfectly Cropped" image is the most important part of this whole system. As you know that 'a picture speaks a thousand words', so your picture has to be the most attractive one among others to receive maximum clicks.

2. The stats shown by by these traffic exchange sites must match with our records (Google analytics or StatCounter etc.), but unfortunately it wasn't the case in almost all of them.

The widget I have selected for BloggerStop and which I suggest to my readers is the one from Wahoha.

Here are the some highlights from Wahoha:

1) All return traffic is unique;
Currently their competitors send duplicate visitors to webmasters in order to meet the 250% - 300% traffic return rates they promise.
This means on any given day, up to 30% of the visitors sent to any one individual webmaster could be duplicate clicks.
This is deceiving, with their system 100% of the traffic you receive is unique visitors.

2) Greater transparency with traffic statistics;
The traffic statistics recorded and shown to webmasters in their Wahoha accounts is very accurate, and will match Google Analytics within 5%.
They even record every single IP address they send to each WM, and then make the information available daily to download in an excel format.

3) Faster widget loading times;
Their widget loads the fastest. Not just a little bit quicker.... up to 8 times faster.
This means webmasters gain those first few precious seconds back when new visitors hit their site. Quicker loading time means lower bounce rates.

4) Better return rate;
They constantly monitor their client's accounts and the editorial team are always distributing new content across the network and generating the most interest for webmasters articles and blog posts.

So, join Wahoha, grab your widget code and paste it below your posts (recommended) or in the sidebar. Then at your Wahoha account, add posts from your blog to be displayed at other blogs (with attractive titles and images) and enjoy the traffic.

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